Thursday, April 26, 2012


This is a few weeks old, but I love that I have help planning the weekly menu. I'm really grateful for all the recipes I find on blogs and other websites!

I'm waiting for my Hubby to come home tonight. He might not be home until midnight but at least he is local this week.

I have to take this time to show some gratitude.

I tend to whine quite a bit....waaa my Husband works out of town too much
I am soooo thankful he has a job
waaa my kids are driving me crazy
I am thankful they are healthy and creative and strong minded and independent
waaa I'm not good enough
I am thankful that I am smart, funny, creative, strong minded, independent, passionate, and able to do whatever I put my mind to do.
waaa I'm a horrible housekeeper
I am thankful that I am not on Hoarders and no one has ever gotten food poisoning from my cooking.

I'm sure I whine about other things too but I'll stop there!

1 comment:

  1. I think we all need to whine less and be grateful for what we do have!
    I love your weekly menu!! That is priceless, hang on to it! Love the macrony and cheese! That will be a special memory one day, very precious!!!! Love children's notes and their sweet handwriting!
